Native Micro-Forest at Griffith Park
The planting of a native micro-forest using the Miyawaki Method began in the spring of 2021in the Bette Davis Picnic Area of Griffith Park, through a grant from the Hancock Park Garden Club to the Los Angeles Parks Foundation.
This method of afforestation involves using strictly local, indigenous species and planting them very densely, with various layers of vegetation (e.g. understory, shrub, tree, and overstory trees) planted side by side to provide a thick, impenetrable quality over time. The resulting self-managing forest is said to require zero maintenance after two years and will be a treasure for local wildlife, children, students and the landscape design community.
While most Miyawaki forests have been planted in tropical and temperate regions, only one known attempt has been made in an arid, Mediterranean climate at that was in Sicily, which proved to be successful. It is not believed that this method has been tested in California, and this project, if successful in Griffith Park, could be a replicable model that could be used in other parks, in schools, at businesses, in home landscape and even alongside freeways. The positive impact for biodiversity, pollution, mitigation, reduction of surface temperatures, urban beautification and carbon sequestration are endless.