Pollinator Project

In 2015 and 2016, the HPGC hosted a booth at the Larchmont Family Fair in October to promote "Planting for Pollinators."
Members shared information with the public on types of flora to plant in yards to encourage native bees, butterflies and other pollinators to find both the food and energy resources they need to survive.
Members handed out yard signs and printed materials to booth visitors, and plenty of useful information was shared (see some below.)
DId you know that if approximately 70 semi-contiguous yards plant narrowleaf milkweed, it will provide sufficient food and habitat to lure a significant number of the endangered Monarch butterfly to land and reproduce right here in the LA basin? Plant only narrowleaf milkweed appropriate for the Monarch that lives here in California - asclepias fascicularis. It can be found at the Theodore Payne nursery.

HPGC member Liz Gabor tends to many flats of baby asclepias fascicularis (narrowleaf milkweed) that were sold and given away to community members once they reached viability.